Jordana Loeb

Installation views from the MFA Konstfack spring exhibition, 2024, Färgfabriken, Stockholm. 

1.  ...please plant a tree for when I'm born
Apple wood, steel
2,5 x 2,5 x 0,60 m

2. Petrified
Apple wood, wax
60 x 30 x 20 cm

3. Yield is infintesemal (continuation of the work: Loewe, Leib, Löwe, Lowe, Levin)
Apple wood steam distillation, solvent extraction, steel, glass
25 x 9,5 x 18 cm

4. Apple Pillars: echo
Apple wood, rebar
3 x 2,5 x 0,35 m

Exhibition Text/

Apple Pillars: echo
Roots churning,
twisting upwards through its core.
Wind brushes decay
hollow  armor  form.
Holding, grappling
a December weight.
Ground unsettled and disheveled,
glimpses of pointed yellow remain.

My wood dealer revealed a secret, a process that I would have overlooked. The act of peeling and releasing, unmasking a serpentine of muddled and burnt. The diagonal cuts are intentional. Time continues to carve, exposing waxed cores and wrinkles. The artist transitions from preserver, mortician to creator. Head stretches against, a vacuumed hum resonates. A wooden memory stick.

* Thank you to chemists Mikael Pelcman and Jonas Hellberg, Chemtronica