Jordana Loeb

Master of Fine Art Degree Exhibition, Konstfack, Färgfabriken, May 16-24 2024

Vernissage -- May 16th 13.00 - 19.00
Hours -- Mon-Fri 11.00 - 18.00 / Sat-Sun 12.00 - 16:00

Carbon-14 Dating, 2024, MFA Solo Exhibition at Konstfack, Stockholm, SE
16 - 25 FEB 

Together artists Josefina Anjou and Jordana Loeb present their solo MFA exhibitions, Carbon-14 Dating. Introducing Josefinas new series of large horizontal paintings and Jordana’s wooden sculptural and sonic installations The title defines the method for determining the age of any organic material, or rather deciphering for how long any thing that was once alive has been dead.

Vernissage -- Thursday 15th of February: 17.00 - 20.00
Open hours -- Monday to Sunday: 12.00 - 18.00

Intuition at Hand, 2023, group exhibition at Silvermuseet, Arjeplog, SE. 

Intuition at Hand introduces artistic works into the collection of the Silvermuseet Arjeplog through a collaboration with Stockholm University's curatorial fellows and Konstfrämjandet Norrbotten. Artists Jordana Loeb, Hedvig Bergman and Tomas Sjögren temporarily exhibit a variety of mediums or technologies within this historical context, and in doing so, complicate our understanding of time and tools.

Curated by Nathalie Viruly, Ester d’Avossa, and Jeanette Gunnarsson.

Snön är ett värmande täcke, 2023, group outdoor exhibition, Judarskogen, Bromma, FEB 12 (12-16)

Snön är ett värmande täcke är en konstutställning kring promenadslingan runt sjön i Judarskogen i Bromma. Utställningen pågår under söndagen 12/2 klockan 12-16.Judarskogen naturreservat bildades 1995 och är Stockholms första naturreservat. I skogen ligger sjön Judarn och kring den finns våtmarker och anlagda groddammar där grodor och salamandrar leker. Titeln Snön är ett värmande täcke är inspirerad av grodornas vinterdvala där snön håller temperaturen i marken över fryspunkten.

Sara Ekholm Eriksson
Elina Eriksson
Evelina Jonsson
Fatima Kassius
Gurli Kruber
Jordana Loeb
Karon Nilzén
Lior Nønne Malue Hansen
Vide Ohlin
Jonas Roos
Edit Sihlberg
Elinor Silow
Simon Wadsted

SEE SAW, group exhibition, Konstfack, Havet,  FEB 2 - 11 12:00-18:00

A warm welcome to SEE SAW, a group exhibition by first-year master's students in Fine Arts at Konstfack. The exhibition takes place in Havet, just inside the school's main entrance. And in Black Box, to the right passed the school library.

Vernissage FEB 2 17.00 - 21.00

PARTICIPATING ARTISTS :  Ameena Alali (AE), Josefina Anjou (SE)
Rebecka Bergman (FI), David Danell (SE), Heidi Edström (SE)
Jamie Gilroy Barrett (IE), Amalie Götz (DK), Lisa Irvall (SE)
LA Kroll (DE), Jordana Loeb (SE/US), Leo Porramet Jittaksa (TH)
Can Sirens Row (SE), Matilda Söderberg (SE), Aurea Tanttu (FI)
Krizia Zurita (PE)

Wooden Feedback, 2022, solo exhibition at Galleri Duerr, APR 7 - MAY 14.

Jordana Loeb’s first solo exhibition in the gallery’s new location at Hudiksvallsgatan 6, Wooden Feedback (2022), is a multidisciplinary installation that explores her body’s movements with wooden carvings, sound art, printmaking, and video. Utilizing the physicality of natural fibrous material, Loeb creates wood and stone carvings, sonic resonators, and relief prints to reflect on the transmutation of natural materials and the body.

TAKEAWAY, Galleri Duerr, Stockholm Craft Week, 30 SEPT - 10 OCT 2021
Curated by SEART and Galleri Duerr.

Mot Framtiden, Konstnärshuset, Stockholm, 19-23 AUG 2021
Curated by Mikael Goralski.

TAKEAWAY, Galleri Duerr, Stockholm Design Week, 8-14 FEB 2021
Showing new prints in group exhibition. In collaboration with SEART. More information  

TAKEAWAY, Galleri Duerr, Stockholm Art Week, 14-15 NOV 2020
Exhibition organized and curated by SEART and Galleri Duerr.
Open from 12-6 PM.

Between the Hearth and the Stack, 2020
Exhibiting commissioned video projection in  dance performance, by Anna Persson.
29 NOV 2020, Online ZOOM, Köttinspektionen, Uppsala, SE
5 NOV 2020, Kulturhuset Möbeln, Tierp, SE
3 OCT 2020, Folkets hus, Karlholm, SE
5-6 SEPT 2020 SITE/ Specific Festival, Farsta

Strata Series,(window installation)Udda Fåglar, Stockholm, MAY-SEPT 2020

Cochlea, music video premiere14 MAY 2020
Music by Linnea Talp and DEEREST.

Imprint series, Orion Teater for bands, Hanged man + DEEREST vinyl release, Stockholm, 13 MAR 2020

Motions of Stasis, Taverna Brillo, Stockholm, 26 SEP-NOV 2019
Showing new works in solo exhibition.